Friday, January 30, 2009

I really dont know why I now start this blog.Once again, I got out of bed, very early, after some hours sleep , my body tormented by intolerable pain.

I have spent many years trying to get help for my medical problems.In that respect a blog is probably not going to change anything.Managing pain, for me at least , has meant that I need to do something-movement is good.It is difficult now to get out of my appartment, so... A blog might be helpful in that time spend writing it would mean I would be a little closer to the point where I can actually get medical help.

My problem is that I have Chagas.I live in Denmark and am probably one of the very few here who have that disease.In South America there are millions infected with the parasite causing this condition.I have never been to South America.Unfortunately,there was an alternative transmission mode (for me).

"Medical help" I wrote. I dont know if that is possible at all.Medictions are going to be obtained from CDC in the US. WHO recommendtions are that chagas should not be treated in the chronic stage.Although I had the infection reactivated by stupid counter-productive attempts with medications for other diagnoses I am certainly in the chronic stage.So what I am fighting for? an illusion?I hope that readers will understand that this is the underlying theme of mine writing this blog .I cling to the hope that I can have treatment and it will have some effect.The disease is not know among doctors here, and the fact that my situation- because of immunsuppressive treatment is very acute- is not part of the doc`s understanding.I fight to stay alive until treatment.

The infection goes back more than 30 years.I did not get really sick,however, before I had some tick bites.One in the late 80íes and one in 99. I got Lyme and some kind of bartonella.For a very long time I spent my time exploring the world of Lyme.I dont any more, but I have come to know a lot of people all over the world who fight various chronic infections, all brought to them by ticks.

This blog is going to have villains and heroes -lots of good guys and a few bad guys.Not to make it more interesting to read,sort of novel-like quailities- but because life is like that- at least mine has been .I shall anonymize them all except one.- a true pure villain.

If I am lucky people might find this blog and give me inputs that might be helpful.If my luck stretches beyond that the blog might be helpful for somebody trying to work their way through a health-care sysytem unable to find a diagnosis for their medical problems.
Until I get figured out how to structure this blog in order to make it more than just a personal story only ........

Ok to post comments in any language- but preferably in English,German or the Nordic languages.